Ready to get Started? Schedule a Call!
In Office Hours:
Monday- Thursday 9 AM – 4 PM
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Voicemail is checked daily. Email is preferred, Thank You!

What area do you serve?
Key West and the Lower Keys
How do I book my rentals?
Equipment will be reserved once we receive your deposit of 50% of total charges, along with the signed agreement.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Credit cards, checks, bank transfers or cash
Can I make changes to my order?
Items may swapped for other items of equal value. In case of an item cancellation, deposit is not refundable.
When do I have to finalize with the rental order?
Final payment and final changes to the invoice are due one month prior to event date.
Can I order a tent only if it is needed in case of rain?
Weather contigency tent: When a tent reservation is designated as a WEATHER CONTIGENCY, the client will have 48 hours prior to the event to proceed with or to refuse the reserved tent. If instructions to proceed are given, the 50% balance on the tent rental order is due and payable. Weather contigency tents will not be installed without payment in full and in advance.
1.305.849.3712 | email hidden; JavaScript is required | © Eventfully Yours Rentals 2023